For all Remind Hub administrators with an Enhanced Data Dashboard (EDD) seat. Only available on the web. Please contact your Customer Success Manager if you want an EDD seat.
Your Enhanced Data Dashboard provides vital information on how people in your community use Remind and how effectively their messages drive engagement. You can read this article to learn more about where you can obtain communication data to improve how your teachers, parents, and students use Remind.
This article contains the following sections:
Things to keep in mind
To ensure the data charts will load, your browser must be configured to accept third-party cookies and use a non-incognito window to log in to your account. Using Safari, you must uncheck Website tracking to see the data charts. If you don't want to change that setting, we recommend using Google Chrome, Firefox, or MS Edge.
Remind refreshes the Enhanced Data Dashboard daily. The data represents information from August of the prior year to the day before you're viewing the report.
Click any section of a chart on the Statistics dashboard to get more detailed information about the individuals in your community. You can also click User-level data on the top right of each chart, click on the three horizontal dots, and select Download CSV to obtain a file.
Whenever you want to apply a filter, click the Reload button on the top right side of the chart. You'll only see the filtered data in the file when you download a CSV with filters applied.
Click the three horizontal dots on the top right of the Statistics dashboard, and select Reset filters to remove any filters you've set on a chart.
You can access the Overview dashboard to get a high-level snapshot of how your community is actively interacting and building meaningful relationships on Remind.
- Log in to Remind online.
- Click on the district or school.
- Select the Overview tab.
If you click on any of the statistics in the Overview dashboard, you'll be taken to the Statistics page, where you can obtain detailed information about the breakdown of the roles in each school and the SIS-linked status of the community members.
Click on each header below to expand the section and learn more about the Overview dashboard.
My Remind community
This section shows the total number of people in your organization by role - teachers, students, parents, staff and employees. You can also see the percentage of people in your organization with a non-SIS-linked account.
People can have multiple roles on Remind. Their roles will be represented in each respective category. For instance, 6th grade English teacher Mr. Johnson also has the parent role. He will be reflected in the data for parents and teachers.
Need to add more people to your community? If you've completed a CSV 1.0, CSV 2.0, ClassLink, or Clever sync, add the new individuals to your SIS and share the new data with Remind, and they'll get added instantly. Or manually add them to your organization. |
Remind allows you to reach your community members where they are and in their home language. This section will help you learn where to remove communication barriers and ensure announcements are accessible to everyone in your organization. Review the percentage of people who:
- are set up to receive messages in their preferred language.
- are reachable by SMS, email, or the Remind app.
Also, take a look at the percentage of messages you've sent that were delivered successfully.
Want to improve your reachability data? Check out our great resources: |
Adoption and usage
We recommend monitoring the level of engagement across your community periodically to help your teachers, parents, and students increase their use of Remind, improve their two-way communication, and ultimately reach your organization's communication goals. Review this data to see:
- The percentage of parents and students who received messages in the last 30 days.
- The number of teachers and admins who sent messages in the last 30 days.
- The total number of messages your community sent in the last 30 days.
Please read our article to learn how to drive your organization's engagement.
Top schools with the most users sending messages
We recommend that you take the time to recognize the schools within your district doing an outstanding job informing and engaging their community. Please review this section to see which schools can champion and serve as a resource for using Remind effectively to open and maintain two-way communication with key stakeholders. When two schools are ranked equally, they are displayed alphabetically.
This data is only available to district administrators. The data includes all teachers, staff, parents, and students sending messages within your organization.
Return to topStatistics
You can access the Statistics page by simply clicking the Statistics tab from your district or school.
Here you can dive deeper into your organization's data and learn more about how you can ensure everyone in your community is set up to receive and send messages in their preferred language on the device of their choice. You can view a high-level chart or drill down to receive user-level data for each chart.
Navigate to the left-hand panel to get the following community engagement data: Community overview, Preferred language, Reachability, Messages received, Messages sent, and Engagement.
Click on each header below to expand the section and learn more about the Statistics dashboard.
Community Overview
You can learn more about who is in an organization by filtering your community members by their Role and SIS-linked status. District admin can also sort by Organization (schools). You can select more than one option for each filter. This view allows you to safeguard your community as you can ensure participants are in the correct organization with the proper role.
Remember, people can have multiple roles on Remind. Their roles will be represented in each respective category. For instance, 9th-grade Algebra teacher Mrs. Arterberry also has the staff role. She will be reflected twice - in the teacher and staff data, respectively.
After selecting your filters, click the reload button in the top right corner to see the data.
- Donut chart - see the % of people in your organization(s) who are SIS-linked or non-SIS-linked.
- Bar chart - view a color depiction of the number of people you have for each selected role.
- Hover over each section to see the number of people in that section.
- Click on any part of a chart to see the user-level data and the option to download it.
Are there people in your organization who do not have a role? Click on the "None" gray bar in the right-hand chart to see a list of those individuals.
You can also click Download CSV to obtain a record of users with no role.
Preferred language
You can send district- and school-wide announcements to people in their language of choice. This chart will show how many people in your community have a Remind account set to receive messages in a specific language. The chart shows data for up to ten language preferences.
You can filter the preferred language data by Role, SIS-Linked status, and School.
Check the corresponding box to show the number of users who prefer English.
You can use this data to identify the individuals whose accounts you need to update with a preferred language. Sending messages in a language recipients understand will increase engagement within your community.
To see who doesn't have a preferred language set, click on the blue bar next to "Not Set." You can see the list and Download CSV.
Click Learn more to see how to add a language to their Remind account.
To ensure your district or school participants can receive your announcements, please check that they are set up to receive messages via email, SMS, and/or app. You can filter the reachability data by Roles, SIS-Linked status, and School.
- Donut chart - the number and percentage of "reachable" people, meaning their account is set up to receive messages on a valid device in Remind.
- Bar chart - the number and percentage of people whose email, SMS, or app is set up to receive messages, who have opted out of receiving messages, or who don't have a phone number, email, or app associated with their account.
You can hover over the charts to get more detailed information about the number of reachable and unreachable users and the total number of people receiving messages by each type of device. Click a section of any chart to see user-level data and the option to download the CSV file.
To view Unreachable users, click on the gray section of the donut chart to obtain a detailed list of who they are so you can update their contact information and have them update their notification preferences.
- Someone may be reachable - have a confirmed device associated with their account - and still not receive announcements. Select Learn more in the lower right-hand corner to better understand why someone may not be getting messages and how you can fix it so they can stay up-to-date on what is happening in your community.
- If a person has multiple devices, each of their devices will be reflected in the data. For example, if the parent, Mr. Samuels, has an email and a phone number linked to his account, his email and SMS device will be counted in both the email and SMS data.
Messages received
Review your organization's messages received data to check that your announcements are being delivered to your community. You can filter the data by Roles, SIS-Linked status, School, Date Range, and Message Type (all, chats, announcements).
Choose a date range that starts no earlier than August of the previous school year and ends by yesterday.
- Donut chart - The percentage of total messages that users have and have not received during a set period.
- Bar chart - The percentage of sent messages that users have and have not received via email SMS, and app during a set period.
Hover your cursor over each graph to see the total percentage and number of messages received or not received. Click any part of either chart to see the user-level data. This can be saved by clicking Download CSV on the top right.
After reviewing the percentage of sent messages your community members have received, you can use the message delivery over time chart to see how your delivery has changed over a set period. Filter the data by Roles, SIS-Linked status, School, Date Range, Message Type (all, chats, announcements), and Delivery By (all device types, app, SMS, email). Choose a date range that starts no earlier than August of the previous school year and ends by yesterday.
The message received charts only tell you about the success of delivering messages to your community. The data doesn't show whether or not people who received the messages read them. Check out the message delivery summary if you want delivery details about a specific announcement.
Click on any part of the chart to view or download the corresponding CSV file to learn more.
Messages sent
The more your teachers and administrators use Remind to share important messages with parents, students, and staff, the more involved these community members will become. Periodically check to see how many teachers and admins are sending messages. This will help you figure out when these important stakeholders need help and encouragement in increasing their communication so your organization can reach its engagement goals.
You can filter the data by Roles, SIS-Linked status, School, Date Range, Message Type (all, chats, announcements), and Frequency (daily, weekly, monthly). Choose a date range that starts no earlier than August of the previous school year and ends by yesterday.
The bar graph displays the number of senders who sent at least one message per day, week, or month.
At the bottom of the chart, you'll see the messages broken up by percentage for chats and announcements.
Hover over a chart to see the total number of messages sent. Click the bar graph to see a list of teachers and admins who have sent messages, and Downoad CSV if you wish.
We recommend downloading the engagement report to obtain additional metrics on how individuals engage in your community each week. Click on the this helpful guide link to learn how to download and read these reports.