For administrators with Remind Hub.
How often does Remind sync with Clever?
- Remind syncs with Clever every night between the hours of 11 pm and 5 am PT.
- New classes and participants that are added to your SIS and to Clever are synced to Remind nightly between 11 pm and 5 am PT (for most Clever sync types).
Can I roster non-teaching staff via Clever?
- At this time, the non-teaching staff role cannot be rostered via Clever.
How do I roster administrators from Clever?
- If a person is listed as Staff in Clever and is included in the data you share with us, Remind will roster them as an Administrator at their school.
- District administrators cannot be rostered at this time.
- See our How to add another administrator article.
How do I control which contacts are shared with Clever?
- Review the rules you have set up in your SIS regarding the data you are sharing with Clever. If you need to adjust data, sync type, or SIS to Clever mapping, please contact Clever Support. We will create a rostered account for all parent/guardian contacts you share with Remind. Safety is important to Remind, we encourage you to ensure you do not share contact information for individuals who should not be able to communicate with certain students.
Clever only stores student emails. How can students add mobile phones to their Clever-rostered accounts?
- Remind will sync student accounts with their email address and student ID from Clever. To have your students receive messages on their phones, follow these simple steps.
- Remind will ingest student phone numbers from Clever using the extension .stucellphone.
How many phone numbers and/or email addresses can we sync via Clever?
- Clever only shares one phone number and one email address per person with Remind.
It's a new semester. Will my teachers automatically receive their new classes?
- All teachers need to do is refresh Remind to gain access to their new classes. Teachers will also receive an email to notify them about class changes. You can read more about class changes here.
How do I change my Clever sync setup configuration?
- If you would like to change your Clever sync configuration settings after the initial setup, you can do so at any time in Clever.
- If you would like to place filters on roles or sections please reach out to Remind Implementation.
How do I create classes in Remind that don’t exist in my SIS?
- Clever Custom Sections allow district administrators to create and manage sections manually within the Clever Dashboard. Once custom sections are created in Clever, administrators can share them with Remind through the Clever sharing permissions interface. You can read more about Clever custom sections here.
- Custom classes can also be created directly in remind using Direct Add.
Who do I reach out to for Clever technical support?
- If you need help connecting your SIS with Clever or troubleshooting issues with your data in Clever, the Clever support team is best equipped to help. You may follow this link and a Clever support member will get back to you.
Why did my organization's data not get transferred to Remind?
If you complete a nightly sync with Remind while Clever is still processing your SIS data, Remind may not receive all of the new data. Make sure your SIS sync with Clever is complete before your nightly sync with Remind
Have more questions about Clever rostering with Remind? Check out our SIS Rostering FAQs.