For all Remind users |
To see how many people received, read, and reacted to an announcement you sent your community:
- Select your district, school, or class.
- Click the information iconon the announcement you sent on the web, or tap see message summary if you're in the app.
This article contains the following sections:
Message delivery summary details
Example of a message summary for a school announcement
Sent by
This data shows the number and percentage of people who read the message in the Remind app or via email. It also includes individuals who received the message via SMS.
- This data shows the number and percentage of people who didn’t receive the message.
- Click the downward arrow and then click Download list (CSV file) to see who didn't get your message. You'll be able to learn more about improving your message delivery data here.
- Temporary error - When a person blocks Remind, marks Remind as spam, or has their phone off, they won't receive Remind announcements. Ask them to turn push notifications, text messages, or emails on for Remind.
- Invalid contact - The individual mistyped their email or changed their phone number. Share this resource and ask them to update their contact information.
This data shows the number of people who added emojis to the message. You'll only see this summary when message recipients have reacted to your message, and it is only available for schoolwide and class messages, not districtwide announcements.
Click the downward arrow to see who left an emoji on your announcement.
Language received
The number of languages the sender chose to translate the message into and the estimated number of people who received the message in each language. If someone changes their preferred language after receiving a message, it will impact the preferred language received data as Remind bases the data on each recipient's current preferred language. You can only see this summary on the web if the sender enabled translations for their message.
When you click the downward arrow, you'll see a list with the number of people who received the announcement in a specific language, the languages that the sender didn't translate the message into, and the number of people who don't have a preferred language set (they receive it in the language the sender sent it in). This summary is only expandable for school and class announcements, not districtwide messages.
This summary shows the number of people who need to update their contact information. This summary is labeled No contact information in the app.
Click the downward arrow to see who isn't receiving messages. Share this resource with them, and ask them to update their contact information. If you're a Remind Hub administrator, you can update it for them.
If you cannot get the message summary for an announcement, please wait a few minutes and click Try again on the web. Or hit the back arrow and click see message summary on the app, to regenerate the message summary.