If you see a pop-up such as "5 users were added successfully. 3 errors were detected. Fix them and resubmit", it could be due to one of the following reasons:
A person has blocked Remind by texting STOP. The person can re-join or resubscribe by texting the class or school code to the Remind number, 81010.
A person has been banned from the school organization. The owner of the class has blocked the individual.
- The person has already received a class invitation that day. You cannot invite a person twice or more in one day to the same class.
Individuals under the age of 13 aren't allowed to join a class that another student or parent owns.
Individuals under the age of 13 aren't allowed to join a class that hasn't been linked to a school.
To inquire about a blocked/banned user or if you are unsure how to proceed, contact support@remind.com