For administrators with advanced messaging, a premium feature available with Remind Hub. On the web only. Please contact your Remind account manager or Remind support to learn more.
In the Uploaded files section of your auto messaging dashboard, you can view the auto message CSV files you transferred. If any auto messaging file has errors, we recommend downloading it so you can review the errors and resolve them. All CSV files will be available for 90 days after you've imported them into Remind on the web only.
This article will contain the following sections:
How to access your uploaded files
You will see a list of your CSV files, the number of errors each has, and the date and time you uploaded them.
- Log in to Remind on your desktop.
- Click Settings on your dashboard.
- Choose Auto Messaging.
- Select Uploaded Files.
Additional resources
- How do I edit, duplicate, or delete an auto message?
- How do I delete, edit, of generate new SFTP credentials for my auto messages?
- How do I activate and deactivate my auto message?