For all Remind teachers.
To send a translated message, you must first make sure your class is linked to your organization, and then follow the instructions below to add a preferred language for the teachers, parents, and students in your class. The default preferred language for all Remind accounts is blank.
This article contains the following sections:
Every time you change a class participant's preferred language, the participant will receive an email or an SMS about the update on the device they have turned on for notifications as shown in the examples below.
The change will impact the participant's entire account, and they will receive all messages in the preferred language you set for them.
- Log in to your Remind account.
- Select a class from the Classes owned section.
- Click the People tab.
- Select a participant from the list.
- Click the three dots
on their profile.
- Choose Edit preferred language.
- Click on the dropdown menu to select the participant's preferred language and click Save.
- Repeat steps 1-7 for all participants.
iOS app
The preferred language feature is only available on the latest version of the Remind app. You must update your Remind app to the latest version before you can follow the instructions below to set the preferred language for participants via the app.
- Open the Remind app.
- Scroll down to the Classes owned section.
- Tap a class and select the People tab.
- Tap the name of the individual whose preferred language you want to change on the participants list
- Choose View profile.
- Tap on the individual's name again at the top.
- Tap Set preferred language.
- If has person has a language already set, you'll see Change instead.
- Search for the participant's language, or scroll through the list to find it.
- Tap the language to select it.
- Tap the back arrow and then the X to return to the People list. Repeat steps 4-9 for every participant.
Note: You can only set the preferred language for participants via the classes you own in the iOS app at the moment.
Android app
The preferred language feature is only available on the latest version of the Remind app. You must update your Remind app to the latest version before you can follow the instructions below to set the preferred language for participants via the app.
- Open the Remind app.
- Scroll down to the Classes owned section.
- Tap a class.
- Select the People tab.
- Tap the three vertical dots located to the right of a participant's name.
- Tap View profile.
- Tap the individual's name at the top.
- Tap Set preferred language on the bottom of the page.
- If has person has a language already set, you'll see Change under the language they chose instead.
- Search for the participant's language, or scroll through the list to find it.
- Tap the language to select it.
- Click the back arrow twice to return to the People tab and repeat steps 5-10 for every participant in the class.
Note: You can only set the preferred language for participants via the classes you own in the Android app at the moment.