For teachers in an organization with Remind Hub.
After you add Remind as an external tool to your Schoology course, you can open your Remind message composer directly in Schoology. Follow the instructions below to easily send Schoology assignments via the Remind composer in Schoology.
- Log in to Schoology.
- Click on Remind under your course Materials.
- Log in with your Remind credentials.
- Select the class or class participants you are messaging.
- Click on the plus (+) on the Schoology icon on the Remind composer integrations list.
- Log in with your Schoology credentials.
- Find your course, and select the assignment you would like to link to your message.
- Compose and send your message.
How will recipients view Schoology assignments?
Recipients who have access to your Schoology course, can click on the assignment link from the Remind message. This will open their Schoology account (app or web) and the assignment. Those without access in Schoology will not be able to open the assignment.
How can I quickly find Schoology assignments?
Use the search bar in your Remind message composer to quickly search for an assignment in any of your Schoology courses.
Are the members of my Remind class the same as the members in my Schoology course?
If both Schoology and Remind are synced with your district’s SIS, the memberships should be the same. Note that in the Remind composer you are still selecting the audience from your Remind classes, not your Schoology courses.