For Remind Hub administrators using OneRoster format 1.1. We don't support the OneRoster API at this time.
This CSV sync contains six required OneRoster CSV files. Be sure to include all required fields in your CSVs and include all files in either a batched upload or zipped file each time. Your files must have the correct name, contain the complete header row, and contain all required data fields. Your files should only include the data for your current semester.
OneRoster format 1.1 is compatible with the following Student Information Systems: Edupoint Synergy, eSchoolPLUS, Focus, Illuminate, IMS, Infinite Campus, PowerSchool, ProgressBook, RenWeb, and Skyward QMLATIV.
This article contains the following sections:
- Tips to Avoid Common Problems
- How to format your Remind CSV files
- Downloadable OneRoster CSV templates
- Formatting FAQ
Tips to Avoid Common Problems
All 6 files are required for every transfer, not just the ones with changes.
Always save your files as a CSV.
Be sure to upload your files at least once every 90 days.
Include all column headers in all files, even if you leave the cells below the header blank. Make sure class IDs are unique across the district. They shouldn't be missing or shared with other classes.
All users in the users.csv file and all schools in the orgs.csv file must have a unique ID. All IDs are case-sensitive.
Quotations and commas inside cells cause errors. To avoid errors:
- Remove quotes inside cells. For example, Robert “Rob”,Smith should be Robert Rob,Smith.
- Wrap names with commas in quotations. For example, Rob, Jr. should be "Rob, Jr."
Make sure that file names and column headers are spelled correctly and that you don't have any spaces.
- Individual IDs are case-sensitive and should be the same any time it appears across your files.
- File names are case-sensitive and must be named exactly as listed below.
- If you’re not ready to create and roster classes yet but still want to add users to schools, be sure to exclude any data from your classes.csv and enrollments.csv files. School assignments are made using the users.csv file.
How to format your Remind CSV files
1. manifest.csv
- This file is required.
- The manifest.csv file configures the desired setup. We recommend creating accounts for all roles and all classes.
- This file is auto-generated by your SIS when you choose to export the OneRoster file format.
- Download the template
2. orgs.csv
- This file is required.
- The orgs.csv file provides school information to Remind.
- This CSV should include only the Remind Hub schools connected to your district that need to be rostered.
- Download the template
CSV Headers
- sourcedId (data required)
- The school ID must be unique across the district. This information is used in the users.csv, classes.csv, and enrollments.csv files to match users, classes, and enrollments to the corresponding school.
- This field is used to make connections between files (e.g. assigning a student to a school will link a user ID to a school ID). Take care to ensure that all schools have a unique ID.
- name (data required) - Name of the school.
- type (data required) - This can be “district” or “school”. Please note: Remind will only ingest data from organizations where type = “school.”
- parentSourcedId(data optional) - The district ID.
3. users.csv
- This file is required.
- The users.csv file provides user account information to Remind.
- This file should include all admin, student, parent, teacher, and staff users. List non-teaching staff users as "aide" in the file.
- An account will be created for every user included in your users.csv file. We strongly recommend excluding emergency contacts from this file as well as any individuals prohibited from contacting students.
- For parent or guardian accounts to be created in Remind, at least one unique contact point (mobile phone number or email address) is required.
- Download the template
CSV Headers
- sourcedId (data required)
- The user ID must be a unique and constant identifier for each user across the district.
- No user’s ID should match another user’s ID.
- IDs can include any combination of characters and numbers.
- Will be used in the demographics.csv and enrollments.csv to match users with their corresponding birthdate and classes.
- This field is used to make connections between files. Double-check that the sourcedId, and agentSourcedIdids are unique in the file.
- orgSourcedIds (data required)
- Must correspond to a school ID provided in the orgs.csv.
- A user can be in multiple schools.
- School ID can be in a comma-separated list wrapped in quotes.
- This field is used to make connections between files.
- agentSourcedIds (optional)
Guardian’s sourcedId.
Required for student records to link a student to a guardian.
This can be a single ID of the related parent or guardian or a comma-separated list wrapped in quotes if the student has more than one parent/guardian.
We suggest adding P1 or P2 in front of the student ID if you’re unable to generate IDs for parents. Example: “P112314,P22142”
- This field is used to make connections between files. Double-check that the sourcedId, and agentSourcedIdids are unique in the file.
- role (data required)
- We accept the role types of “teacher,” ”student,” “parent,” “guardian,” "aide," and “administrator.”
- Any user with a “teacher” or “administrator” role who is associated with a class will automatically become a class owner.
- email (data required)
User’s email.
Required for teachers, staff, and administrators.
Optional for parents, guardians, and students.
- phone (optional)
Recommended: User’s mobile phone number.
Phone numbers can be in most formats, including with/without brackets around the area code, with/without hyphens, and with/without an international code.
International phone numbers are not able to receive text messages. See this article to learn more.
- SMS (optional)
Recommended: User’s SMS phone number.
SMS phone numbers can be in most formats, including with/without brackets around the area code, with/without hyphens, and with/without international code.
Can be used interchangeably with the “phone” field
- metadata.preferredLanguage (optional)
- Recommended: User’s preferred language for messages.
- The only values we accept for preferred_language and guardian_preferred_language are any two-letter ISO-639-1 or BCP-47 code or three-letter ISO-639-2 or ISO-639-3 code you can obtain from this list here.
- grades (optional)
- Recommended: Student grade level.
- For students only, enter the student's grade.
- Permitted grade values are PK, KG, 01 through 12, and Other.
- Each student can only be associated with one grade.
- givenName (data required) - User’s first name.
- familyName (data required) - User’s last name.
- middleName (optional) - User’s middle name
- identifier (optional)
Recommended: Student number.
An optional field for a student ID that the student has access to if it is different from the student’s sourcedId.
If "identifier" is not provided, we'll default to using the user's sourcedId as their student-facing ID.
This field is required if you plan to send advanced messages.
4. demographics.csv
- This file is required.
- The demographics.csv file helps create student accounts and provides student date of birth information to Remind.
- Download the template
CSV Headers
- sourcedId (data required)
- This field is used to make connections between files.
- Ensure students have a unique ID in the users.csv file that matches the demographics.csv file.
- Must correspond to a student source ID provided in the users.csv files.
- Must be unique across the school.
- birthDate(data required)
- Student date of birth.
- MM/DD/YYYY or YYYY/MM/DD format.
5. classes.csv
- This file is required.
- The classes.csv file provides class information to Remind and creates rostered classes.
- Remind classes will be created for every section included in your files. We strongly recommend excluding any classes that you don't want to be created in Remind. For example, lunch periods or study halls are often not used in Remind.
- Title is the class name visible to class owners and participants on Remind. The class names should be unique for each class period or section so that each section is easily identifiable (e.g., English 101 Section 3). Class names should not exceed 255 characters including spaces.
- Download the template
CSV Headers
- sourcedId(data required)
- This field is used to make connections between files.
- Ensure classes and schools have a unique ID.
- Class ID must be a unique and constant identifier for each class.
- Class ID can include any combination of characters and numbers.
- Must be unique across the district.
- Will be used in the enrollments.csv file to match an individual to their corresponding class.
- schoolSourcedId(data required)
- This field is used to make connections between files. Ensure classes and schools have a unique ID.
- The school ID.
- Must correspond to a school ID provided in the orgs.csv file.
- title (data required)
- Class name.
- The title should be unique for each class period.
- grades (optional)
- If provided, it must be a comma-separated list of grades wrapped in quotes.
- Example: “11,12”
6. enrollments.csv
- This file is required.
- The enrollments.csv file provides enrollment information to Remind and is used to create rostered classes.
- This field is used to make connections between files. Ensure classes, students, schools have a unique ID.
- There is a limit of 100 classes per user account.
- For parents or guardians to be enrolled in classes in Remind, they must be connected to a student in your users.csv file. Parents will follow their connected students into their classes.
- The role of non-teaching staff members should be listed as "aide" in this file.
- Download the template
CSV Headers
- classSourcedId (data required) -Must correspond to the class ID provided in the classes.csv file.
- userSourcedId (data required)
- Must correspond to the student sourcedId or teacher sourcedid provided in the users.csv file.
- Parents who are connected to students will be enrolled in the same classes as their students.
- schoolSourcedId (data required) - Must correspond to a school ID provided in the orgs.csv file.
- role (data required)
- User’s role.
- Accepted role types are: “teacher,” ”student,” “parent,” “guardian,” "aide," and “administrator.”
- primary (data required)
- True or false is the class owner.
- Defaults to false (no) if the information is not provided.
- If your SIS uses "yes" or "no" instead, please be sure to use lowercase.
- sourcedId(data required) -
- The enrollment ID.
- This is auto-generated by your SIS.
Downloadable OneRoster CSV templates
Formatting FAQ
How do I format students with parents?
Add the guardian’s sourcedId to the student’s agentSourcedIds.
In the following example, Red Riding Hood will be linked as a student to the guardian Grandma Hood and Ma Hood in Forest High School (ID: ForestHS):